Not changing the domain name but thanks to all who are asking “How Is Sean?” I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know Bunny was always worried about everyone so I understand and appreciate it very much.
Mum & Dad are down for few days helping out around the house. We have been sorting through washing, cleaning, gardening just normal stuff. Yes there are a lot of memories surrounding me but they give me comfort. It was weird heading to a few shopping centres with Mum (nothing against you Mum) but Bunny and I did spend a lot time shopping together. Bun would be proud of me today I bought a new shirt with little indecision or procrastination, I can be quite frustrating to shop with but Bunny put up with it. I just said to myself today WWBD or What Would Bunny Do, which in this case would be, “Hurry up and make a decision you are starting to shit me. (All with a smile on her face)”. Made me smile.
I must say I continue to draw great strength from my amazing children who light up my days with a simple text message or phone call. The best example I have is a simple text I got from them after discussing what they wanted in their personal notice in the paper.
“We love you bunny we will miss you lots and lots we will always be thinking about you love ya jade and rhys there it is dad can’t wait till the beach cu l8r love ya jade”
With messages like that how would you feel?