Retweet: Why Jerry Seinfeld should join Twitter

Firstly a disclaimer I am a huge Jerry Seinfeld fan, he is one of the reasons Bunny & I hit it off.  Nothing like a huge Elaine Benes “Get Out” chest shove while you are chatting up a good looking girl.

Anyway back to the title.  Why should Jerry Seinfeld join Twitter?  He has a standup bit where he comments as only he can that it was so much easier to make friends when you are a little kid.  You walked into a playground stood next to another kid and asked, “Wanna be friends?” “Okay” was the standard reply.

It can be hard meeting new friends when you are an adult but not impossible. As Jerry points out (in a funnier way than I can) there are so many rules when we are adults.  Twitter is fun as so many of these rules are broken or non-existent on Twitter.

Imagine chirping in on a conversation you are not involved in because you have something funny, interesting or weird to say.  Not on your life!  On Twitter it is a regular and welcomed occurrence.

As a conversational platform people who “get” Twitter are talkers, listeners & networkers.  It is amazing the people you run into as you follow.  Twitterers set themselves apart from the “web chat stereotypes” who never venture away of their darkened computer desks.  Tweetups are meetings of fellow twitterers like the Twitter universe it is a diverse group of interesting people.  I recently attended the #melbtweetup, it was one of the most social user group/techy based group I’ve been to.

I spoke at Bunny’s funeral about how amazing she was at connecting with people without the use of Twitter.  I think Twitter may (I stress may) have dragged her away from ebay.  I can only hope to connect with my family, friends and colleagues as much as she did but using Twitter is giving me a great leg up to do that.

For my friends who have not caught the Twitter bug I will be in touch to get you tweeting.  Jerry you should too, who knows you may find a new friend, I know you’ll get a follow from me. @seancallanan on Twitter.

I have Retweeted this post from Sean’s Space